Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

To all my friends.
I have been off school for a little while, and got out of my habit of posting.
Things are going well at our house.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

End of the Semester

Well the semester is over, and I passed all my classes. B's in my "Nursing Fundamentals" and a C in Pharm, but a "C" is passing and I'm fine with that!
So I'll start classes again in January, two days of lecture, and two days of clinicals at the hospital.
I have some pics and other things to post, I'll try to get to a longer post later today.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Warm weather

It's in the 50's right now at 6:10am. I get off work at 7 and am getting pretty tired.
We saw a lot more people today. 29 people from 11A-11P. We're starting to pick up. Word is that Anthem is going to sign with the hospital sometime this week, and that will really help.

I checked online earlier and my new GPS arrived at my house today. I'm so excited to get to play with it! Er, use it for it's intended purpose and have it as a valuable tool.

I took my final today in my "Fundamentals of Nursing" I got an 83 I think it was, my average grade was an 87. My grade in Clinicals was also an 87. So now I only have to worry about Pharm....oh pharm, you could be such an interesting, fun class...but alas, just a bunch of crap to memorize.....

To keep myself centered and focused on the goal (ie more money and secure jobs) I have been browsing what I may purchase once I graduate. I'm thinking a new car for myself is possibly warranted...and I'm looking at this: Subaru WRX STI. Joe'l says it's a roller skate. I say, yeah, but it is a 300HP all-wheel driver roller skate! (The STI does 0-60 in 5.4 seconds; the new Ford Mustang Shelby 500 does it in 5.3 seconds)[The sticker for the Shelby is $45K, sticker on the STI is $33K, not that I plan on buying new]

I long for the days of a stick shift [my other stick-shift car]. Mine was almost identical to the one in the picture, minus the T-tops. Perhaps I'll have to start a "Retro Friday"

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Day Shift

I'm working a day shift at Monroe today, I haven't worked day shift here yet. I don't know the "routine" for day shift. Everyone has a routine for their shift....I just told them to let me know if I'm supposed to be doing something.
But it was much nicer than driving to work at 3am!

So I'll work till 7pm tonight, then I have a final tomorrow and work tomorrow night, I'm going to stay in Bloomington tonight to study, and do some laundry. My other set of dark blue scrubs were not clean, so I'll have to wash these for tomorrow night.

We thought Bella was doing better, but then lastnight she threw-up in our bed again. She'd had milk. She drinks a lot of milk, but I wonder if maybe it is upsetting her stomach now all of a sudden. She told Joe'l something to the affect of "I'm not supposed to drink milk, it makes me sick..." right after she threw-up. It was funny since she'd been begging for the milk, then acted like Mommy made her drink it and get sick. So we got cleaned up and all went to bed.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Too little sleep

I've slept much too little in the last two days.
I've bought a new GPS, but it isn't here yet. I'm excited.

I went geocaching again today, I found 3 or 4 and couldn't find 3 or 4. I am pretty sure I could find 2 of the ones I didn't find now that I looked at a map closer. I'll have to go find those another time.

I might 'cache some today, I picked up some items to be moved to another 'cache.

Bella has been sick, she threw up Thursday night and had a fever. She is feeling better now, must've just been a quick stomach bug or something.

She's really getting to be a big girl!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Week-old picture

I took this picture last sunday morning when
I was geocaching on my way home from work.
I really hope Santa brings me a new GPS for
Christmas, but it's ok if he doesn't too.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Missed a few days

I've been sick for a week, some days better than others. Yesterday was a good day, I went to school, and a work meeting. Between I went to do some geocaching at a park in Bloomington. I took some pictures!

Here they are.

Here's a view of the head of the valley. The park is called Leonard Springs. There are a lot of springs, they all flow to a water impoundment where the city of Bloomington got their water (1914-1923 or so) Now the impoundment has been drained and it is a wetland.

The stairs lead down to where the trail starts.

This is a shelter cave at the top of the hill.

On the left side of the picture is where all the
water just flows out of the ground at the largest spring.

Here's a "bridge" over the creek

This is why I used "bridge".

Park part 2

More pics from the Park.

This little guy was WAY up in a tree watching me.

His cousin here let me get much closer
for a better photo.

I don't know what kind of plant this is, but they
were all over this end of the park.

This cave was at the very top of the hill.
I wonder where it goes...maybe I'll go back with
a light sometime.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Night 4 of 4

This is my fourth night working in an ER. I'm relatively not tired, considering.

Not much to report on, I've been sleeping and working for the last 4 days. Maybe something will happen next week.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Training Night

I'm working orienting a new UC tonight. So I'm not doing much. She has a good handle on things.

Not much going on.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I has a sore throat this morning when I got off work. I stopped at the new MEGA Wal-mart in Bedford and got some vitamin C, cough drops, coldeeze and multi-vitamins. I took lots of everything and went to bed. I got up a little earlier than usual and went to Missy's for Thanksgiving dinner. Now I'm at work, I still don't feel great, but I am better than I was.
I need to get some pictures posted on here...I got that fancy camera and everything.
I'll try.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What a day

I slept all day, I watched one episode of X-Files. I got up and in the shower, had to fly to Bloomington cause I was running late. So far we're having a night....we'll see.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Wasted day

I got up this morning, drove to Bloomington, was in class a little over an hour, then came home.
I did go deer hunting tonight, I didn't see anything, except Randy, he sat in a deer stand 50 yards or so behind me, he didn't see me till it got dark and I turned on my flashlight. No deer.

I'm watching a stupid movie about some Indian ghost, nothing about the ghost looks "Indian". eh Nothing good on TV anymore.

I watched the new House tonight, it was pretty good.

I work the next 3 days.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Is it Sunday?

I'm so lost, I don't know what day it is. I got home this morning as the sun was coming up. I went to sleep in the recliner. I woke up about noon or so, I went back to bed for a couple of hours, then got up and went deer hunting. I saw one deer, or I saw four, I'm not sure. It was either four, or one four times....anyway, I couldn't get a shot. It is so amazing how you can watch a deer, then it just disappears behind a tree, and you don't see it again for 30 minutes.

I think I'm going to place a different stand tomorrow and see what I can do tomorrow night.

Now we are all watching TV and getting ready for bed.


I'm at work.
Not much going on, we've only seen 10 patients or so.

I missed midnight by 2 minutes.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Friday Night

We went to my sisters tonight and had a "singing". We tried some songs we sing at church, that we needed some practice on. We had some snacks too. It was enjoyable.
We came home, House is on in 30 minutes. I realized while flipping the channels that "Insomniac with Dave Attel" isn't on Comedy Central anymore, and I'm glad.
"Braveheart" is on, I like it, that is a good movie.

I had class today, I was very tired. Pharm isn't the most intertaining subject.

Why do actors think it's "cool" to be gay? I just don't understand that.

I think I might try some standup comedy...probably leave the gay actor stuff out....
I've been laughed at lots in my life, may as well have fun doing it. I'd post some of my material, but Jerry Seinfeld might steal it. And it isn't nearly as funny to read it as to HEAR me do it.
So much of jokes I tell require an intelligent audience, which can really back-fire on you...if you live anywhere near here.
I'm sure you have all seen comedians do a joke that people don't get, then they have to explain, it gets real uncomfortable. ", see, PI is a greek number, and the guy said "Pie", but the other guy thought he meant "Apple pie"....nevermind...."

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sick Day

I stayed home all day today. Still feeling sick. I was able to sleep most of the day without the stupid phone ringing, I was surprised.

That's about it for today!

I feel better tonight, but still don't know why my stomach feels weird. My foot still hurts too, but I don't think there is anything wrong with it. My elbow is still hurting too, I think I'm going to have to go to the doctor to see what he can do about it, I might get steroid injections, or physical therapy.
I'm falling apart.
I don't know how some of you people get up in the morning.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Had the second to last day of clinicals in the nursing home today. I was glad. I'm not going to work in long-term care.
I was sick feeling all day; but made it through. I was supposed to work tonight but I didn't feel like working 12 hours. I came home and had some chicken soup and slept most of the evening.
I have Thursday off, nothing to do, I don't know what I'll do with myself!
I work Saturday night by myself at Monroe.
Things are fine there, they are still working on getting things completed. (The time clocks aren't set up, so we just write in our times)
I wasn't "thrilled" when I got home after my first shift. Joe'l asked me what was wrong, the only way I could verbalize was: "They are just not 'MY' nurses". I love you all. (I've spent three years training you guys!) I'll see some of 'my' nurses on Thanksgiving night.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Quick post for the day

I'm still at school. There is a Nursing club meeting today at 4. I'm in charge of the webgroup that has been set up for the club.

I have to be at work at 7pm. I don't know how they do supper there, I guess I'll find out tonight.
I'm excited, but a little nervous too.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

BIG day

Today we worked outside. We dug some flower beds and I backfilled next to the house with the dirt. I of course got the lawnmower and trailer hung-up. The trailer is pretty large (it has a 1500# capacity) I got in some soft dirt and the tire sank, so Joe'l had to come and drive the mower while I pushed and pulled and tugged, but we finally got it free. Bella helped too, she dug some with her little shovel, then she wanted to use the BIG shovel like mommy and daddy.

(The clearing in the background, just above the mower, on the other side of the road, is the same clearing shown in the picture of the pretty sunset)

Here we are, with the trailer, and barely seen, the new John Deere "tractor" mower.
After a while, she laid down in one of the beds. It was cute, but we made her get out. It looked too much like a grave. eerie

While we were working outside I heard some people on ATV's on our property, so I drove out to the "back field" in my truck. I didn't see anyone, but I could hear that they were still in the area. While I was sitting in the field, someone shot (what sounded like a high powered rifle, not a shotgun) in the general direction that they were. My neighbor to the north has been known to sue people he catches trespassing, and he was a policeman, so I'm sure he has guns.

The ATV's headed for the road, back towards our house. I headed out. I was on the hunt. I caught up with them just down the road from our house and I had seen them come out of the woods ON our property. I really let them have it, I told them to stay off our property, they were trespassing, I had signs up, blah blah blah....they said the knew someone who owned property in that area and didn't know they were on someone elses property. I didn't believe them. Anyway, I told them to stay away, and if I caught them again, I'd call the police, like I did on the LAST people who I caught trespassing.

Back on happy notes....we came in the house after working outside in the cold, Bellas hands were so cold. We ate some french bread pizzas, watched "The Mummy Returns". I did some laundry and changed the bed linens (yes this is worth mentioning!)

When I came downstairs, I caught this picture.

Two tired Ducks!
Have a good week, I start my new job tomorrow night.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday friday

Fridays hold a few special things. One is that the TV show "House" has reruns on USA. So tonight, after waiting till 11pm to watch it, I was somewhat upset that it was a re-rerun that was just on last week.

I got a take home test today in Pharm....maybe I will pass this class.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Work again

I'm back at work....this is my last night at BHOC as a regular employee.
I worked 3 hours at Monroe on the 7th, doing my paperwork, W-2 forms and such. I did get to sit and watch the ER for a while also, but they weren't very busy so there wasn't much to see. The ER is HUGE and has all new equipment and such. My first "real" shift will be on the 13th. I get two days of orientation, then I'm off on my own...Dr. Hart has apparently really "talked me up", everyone up there knew who I was. Nothing like having a reputation to live up to.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Work, School, Work, School

Right now it's "work".

I broke part of a tooth off today, I don't know how that happened. I was chewing gum
and when I went to throw it away it was stuck to one of my teeth. I had another student look in my mouth and she said I had broken a tooth. I went and looked in the mirror and sure enough, I was a broken tooth.
I text-messaged Joe'l and she got me an appointment at the office. I was still there for over an hour! She got to work on me. She used this little caulking gun looking thing that put some temporary filling in the little hole, then she used the drill to grind it down so my mouth shut right.
I got to drive the family wagon-ster today. I really like our car. I'll get a pic on here soon.
I got to work with two of my favorite nurses tonight, Annis and Sally. Although all the nurses here are my favorites. I'm really gonna miss Carolyn, I hope she comes back some day.
Speaking of, this is my next to last shift, after Wednesday night, I will not be scheduled, only called in (more money) I'll be working at Monroe Hospital in Bloomington. I can't wait to start up there and get into all the new things. I like learning, I think that is why I pick up new "hobbies" all the time. Lets see: Growing mushrooms, growing ginseng, making rustic furniture, making rustic tools (to make rustic furniture), sheep farming (that was a fleeting idea!), beef farming, grapevine wreaths, ebay store...hmmm..sure that is not all!
Mum-mum got a new dog this weekend, I'll get a picture of him tomorrow too. He's cute. Although, not my idea of a "dog".

Sunday, November 05, 2006

**Caution Graphic Content**

Last Sunday I mashed my finger in the car door.
This is a picture of my finger one week later.
The two holes are where I drilled through the nail to let the
blood out. This is the original picture.

This is cool. I used the zoom on the camera, after I had taken
the picture to zoom in to this level. I have a Nikon Coolpix 5200
I don't think they make them anymore, I got it used, but it
works great, as you can see.

Lastnight, I fell down a couple of the stairs on the
spiral stairs. I might have broken my toe, it hurts if I
put weight on it. My 4th and 5th toe both have bruising
on them, as well as the lateral dorsalis area (lower right)
Joe'l told me not to put my bruises on the internet, that no
one cared. But I know that my friends care.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Another long day....

I got up at 0530 this morning and had clinicals all day at the nursing home. I had a really nice resident as a patient today. He still had his mind and was not too bad off physically. He fell last spring and broke his leg and has been getting rehab in the NH.
Anyways, I'm at work now. Only 4 1/2 more hours to go, then I can go home and sleep. I'm pretty tired. I had a hard time staying away during the drive down from school.

We've only seen 5 patients tonight...but we have had someone in here almost all night. Long test times....

Have you ever heard the phrase "on the other hand..." What was on the first hand? Was it something yucky?
Oh, and we studied "bed sores" at school today too....what fun THAT was. To know that your own body weight can actually cut off the blood supply to your skin and cause the tissue to die. Wow...made me want to go on a diet!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sick today

Well most people in the house are sick today.
I stayed home from class hoping that I'll feel better tomorrow for school and work, and I have a test on Friday.

I have a picture of Bella in some of Mum Mum's boots...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Ack! I missed a day.

Well, I tried.
I noticed on the way home from Bloomington one day there was a hole up on a bank along Hwy 37. Just north of the Avoca turn-off. There was orange safety netting around the hole, that's why I noticed it. I could see the red clay along the side, but I figured INDOT was just putting in a sign or something...
Today I got an email from one of the guys I cave with about seeing the same hole and wondering what it was. He got a reply from some of the *other* guys we cave with that it was a collapse sink-hole. It is 29' deep, 18' across at the surface and narrows down, like a cone, to about 3'x5'.
There is a 25'x 10' room at the bottom. They said it did have one lead, but it was sealed off by another clay collapse. Overall a very red-clay muddy mess. But it was surveyed and added to the books.

I took a test today, it felt good, I think I did ok. I'm going to check my grade now.
I checked off on urinary catheter today in class. Whoopeee!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fall back....fall down

Today is time change. Our computers at work apparently fall down when they fall back...from midnight till 04:00am the computers will not be "up" for us to use, we'll have to use all paper forms, etc. How long have we done this time change thing? You'd think someone, somewher would've came up with a way to make the computers change time....hmmmm.......

People, in general, are stupid.

Friday, October 27, 2006

3rd day in a row...I'm doing good!

Today, I got a new job. I'll be working at Monroe Hospital in Bloomington. It is a brand new facility, with new staff and all new everything. I'm really excited.
I will be working PRN (as needed) at Paoli.

More to follow....

Thursday, October 26, 2006

....and here I was going to post something everyday...

Well, I've already missed the 25th. But technically, I haven't gone to bed yet, so it is still "today", and not "tomorrow" yet for me....
I've had 5 hours sleep in the last 24...actually that isn't even right. I slept 4 hours and got up at 5:30am, slept one hour during the day, and now am still up at 3am the next do the math!
I don't know any poems....
Two road diverged in the yellow wood...and I, I took the one less traveled. Because the person in front of me also took the one less traveled, and they got to eat all the spider-webs.

This jibberish if for you Annis.

They use pig heart valves in humans. But only if they aren't allergic to pork.
That's all for today (or yesterday), I'm gonna try to post every day.we'll see how it goes.

OH, I almost forgot, big news coming in the next couple of days...stay tuned!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

These are a common specie of flower that grows in the summer. I have no idea what they are called, but they were pretty. I've become somewhat of an amateur mycologist (mushroom scientist) in the last few years. I'm not exactly sure what this one is, but in the next picture you can see the veil that covers the spores. That points towards poisonous. I wasn't planning on eating it anyway.

Bella at her birthday party. We had to have two cakes since we were a month late with the party. Dora and Madagascar.

You've asked for they come!

This is a field across from our property. Some friends of ours bought it a few years ago and are planning on building a house. It has a wonderful view.
This is the same scene but with a wonderful sunset included.

I'm not sure what kind of flower this is, but it was very small and I was testing out our new camera.
Pictures, pictures....

Monday, October 23, 2006

Another weekend down...

I have time to post, but can't post pics from here.
We had a really good weekend, we cleaned out the little shed and put together my workbench. Now I have a place to get in out of the weather and work on my projects.

School is going better. I really bombed my second Pharm test, it was really hard. I did much better on the third test and got my average back up to where it needs to be so I can pass the class.
Joe'l and Bella are both doing good. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get some pics up....

Monday, October 16, 2006

A new beginning!

I have been neglecting my blog, shame on me. What can I say, work, school and seeing my family every once in a while is keeping me busy!
We had Bella's birthday party a month late and I got several pictures.
I'll try to post them tomorrow perhaps.


Monday, September 18, 2006

Doing well, no jinxing!!

I am doing well in my nursing classes so far. I got an 80% on my pharmacology test last Friday. A 93% on my math test. Today I took another test and I really thought I did bad on it, but my test score was posted on the internet, it was a 92%.
But like I told everyone in class, "As long as it is over a 75%(passing) it doesn't matter what it is!"
I hope I can keep up this pace.

I'm lonely at home, everyone is gone to PA and I don't know when they will be home. I've been eating tuna salad for the last couple of days. I need to go to the store sometime.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pray for Pop Pop

Pop Pop Lake is not feeling well.
He is likely to have surgery on the 13th.
Everybody please pray for him.

Patrick, Joe'l and Bella

Monday, September 04, 2006

Outside with a flower

Mommy and Bella played outside today. Bella is *finally* driving her tractor (we got it for Christmas last year). She loves to play with her "Sammy Junior". He is a very good cat.
Daddy had to work today, I didn't get to enjoy the nice weather, or the holiday.
Bella is quite the little farm girl!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Just a Quick Note....

I *DID* check ebay, and I did buy a digital camera. Actually, I bought two, but I'll have to sell one of them. I'm keeping the Nikon CoolPix 5200, it is a 5.1 megapixel. It is only about an inch thick, and the size of a credit card. I like it so far, it has a lot of options and such. We've been taking oodles of pictures, I'll post some, maybe tomorrow, maybe not. I work "day" shift (3:30am-4pm, can that actually be called DAY shift? 3:30am is not "day" to me)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

*YAWN* What was I thinking.....

It is 04:34 Sunday morning. This is my second day shift in a row. I'm not used to these "day" shifts.
I have also seen that I have some night shifts in the next two weeks, that will be nice, school-work-school in two days. Gonna have to talk to the boss, not that it does any good.
I'm sleepy.
I don't get any pictures to put on here anymore, my camera is in my Palm, and it isn't real good, only 1.2megapixel. I need to get a new camera. I'll check ebay.

I'll try to write more tomorrow.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

First Week is Finished

My first week of nursing school is done. It was an interesting experience. There are some people who have no idea what they are getting into. Then there are those who have been CNA's for years and probably won't have any problems.
I'm sure I'll have many stories along the way this year.
So far nothing really funny has happened, but I'm sure there will be.
I'll try to keep up with the Blog more often.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Gotta write SOMETHING!

I haven't posted in a week. I've been kinda busy. (not really)
We have our "new" computer hooked up now. I'm still working on getting everything off the old one and on the new one.

T-minus 7 days till school starts.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Bell is laying on the blanket, under some towels. She was very tired.

Today we went to the beach at Patoka Lake. It wasn't New Jersey. But it was a break from the heat. Bella enjoyed herself, swimming with Mommy and Daddy.Joe'l and I got sunburns on our backs and shoulders. Hers is worse and she really hurts. I guess some sunscreen would've been a good idea!

A fair day

Joe'l, Bella and I went to Bloomington today. I went to Buckners Cave, they went to 'Once Upon a Child'. Bella got a new stroller, her old one got broken at the airport.

Buckners is a very well known cave in the Bloomington area. It is currently about 3 miles of passage. Once you get through the initial crawlway the cave is fine. The crawlway is ~800' of belly crawl, I'm out of shape and this crawl in and out was very tough.
I was helping with a re-survey of this cave system, initiated by Sean Lewis. I worked with Bill Baus, and Paul ? I've not surveyed much and I learned some more today about it. I don't know what the total we shot today was, but we had most shots over 20 feet, and one was 40+.
I'd guess we had about 200'. Mostly crawlway, but some was open walkway.
I had an overall good time, although during the crawl in and out, I wondered what in the world I was doing!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Quite a weekend!

Today we went to the beach at Patoka Lake. It wasn't New Jersey. But it was a break from the heat. Bella enjoyed herself, swimming with Mommy and Daddy.
Joe'l and I got sunburns on our backs and shoulders. Hers is worse and she really hurts. I guess some sunscreen would've been a good idea!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Home from the trip, almost

Joe'l and Bella are home. (Not quite yet) But they should be on the ground anyway.
Pop sent a picture of them standing in the ocean.

Pictures from the Playhouse

"Pop" built a playhouse for Bella. He built it in PA and drove it her in pieces in his truck.

When the house arrived, everyone came to help put it together for Bella!

Here Daddy and Grandad are putting on the shingles. Pop is cutting shingles. Bella is supervising.

Grandad built this neat little table and chairs from cedar wood that Daddy cut off the farm. It is just Bellas size!

Grandad is showing Grandma and Mommy how the chairs just fit on top of the table.

More pictures of the Playhouse

Here's "Gandad" in Bellas "yewayo"(yellow) house.

Mum mum Giardine and Grandma with Bella in the Play house.

Bella with "Sammy Junior", the most patient cat I have ever seen.

She puts him in the bucket swing (not pictured) and swings him, and he will stay in it.

Friday, It is inevitable

My posts are a little out of order....
Friday I didn't do much. I just sat around the house.

I watched the "Matrix" trilogy, I think I started Thursday night.
I love those movies.
I have the "box set" It has all three movies, each movie 2 more times, once with "philosophers" commenting, and once with movie critics. It also has lots of "the making of" stuff. 30 some hours of stuff. I haven't watched all of the extra stuff.

Pretty deep movie, if you look at the philosophical and religious overtones. If you're interested I'll bring the movies to your house, we can watch and discuss.

I think I'll watch one of the movies now.

Back to work tomorrow. (today)
This was Saturday, I tried to go caving. Well, I did cave for a little while, but I got so hot on the walk *to* the cave that I didn't feel good when I actually got in the cave. I stayed just a little bit, then left and came home. I took off all those clothes (Long underwear, Wet suit, knee-length wool socks, blue jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt - see why I got hot?) I took a shower, drank a couple of glasses of Gatorade, resigned myself to the fact that I am getting older and am out of shape, and took a nap.
I got up and went outside and mowed the yard later this evening.
Mother-in-law made some chicken, corn and French fries for supper. It was very good, and I was really hungry.
I went to bed early. I only got about 4 hours of sleep lastnight. I think it was 11 or so when I went to bed tonight. I just woke up a little bit ago and thought I'd check my email.

Joe'l and Bella come home today! :o) It seems like they've been gone for a month.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I've had a bad day so far. I'm trying to get my schedule changed at work, and I'm not getting the help I was expecting. Anyways...I'm just in a bad mood.
It's really hot outside, and in the house. I've been trying to keep the A/C off, since it is cooler at night.

There was a racoon on the trellis right in front of the house lastnight. Nothing is sacred.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Last night, I'm ready for sleep!

I'm nearing the end of night 4 of my 4-night Coordinatathon. We've had a good night, not b---. (We don't say "b-u-s-y", bad luck)

Joe'l and Bella went to the beach today, in NJ I think. Not a fake beach like at Patoka. A *REAL* beach with sand and waves and sea gulls and jellyfish and sharks and hypodermic needles washing up on shore and EVERYTHING! (I added the needle part....) Joe'l was always giving me a hard time about Patoka being a *real* beach....

Bella played in the sand and the water, and with the birds. I'm sure the birds were thrilled!

Her "Sammy Junior" has had a weeks hiatus with Miss Bella on sabbatical. (Junior is her cat) I'll post a picture later today perhaps.

I'm supposed to be at the 4-H fair tonight to man the "Orange County Community Co-Op" booth. Come on by and see me!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Another day, another dollar

I'm currently at work. We've had a busy night. I have not had time to do much but sit at the desk.

Joe'l and Bella had a good day I was told. Bella talked to me on the phone, she said "Bye bye daddy, I love you."

This is night three of four. I am tired.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What day is it? What TIME is it??

The China cabinet my dad made for Joe'l.

I just got home after night two of a 4 night work bonanza. That is 48, yes, 48 hours in 4 days. More than most work all week.

Apparently something happened last October that made sex seem like a good idea, cause our OB department has been filled to (over) capacity for the last week.

Joe'l and Bella have arrived in PA, only a day and a half late (they could have driven there in less time). All is well with them as far as I know at this time. Joe'l said Bella was an angel during the whole "on the plane, off the plane; on the plane off the plane" ordeal.
On the flight today Bella really liked the lightning in the clouds outside, and she wanted to touch the "big puffy ones".

I'm noticing that I don't have an pictures on my blog, gonna have to do something about that. Perhaps someone will get us a digital camera for....whatever the next holiday is. (Boxing day perhaps!)

I hear a cat hacking somewhere...I better go investigate.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Something HAPPENED today!

We all got up and dressed for our trip to the airport.
Joe'l and Bella are flying home to visit her family.
We made it to Hardinsburg when Bella said her belly hurt. Then she threw up. We were already running a little behind, so having to pull over and clean her and her car seat didn't help.
We got her clothes changed and I wiped down her carseat. It was still kinda yucky, and she has to ride in it on the airplane. I'm sure those around her will be pleased!

I went home and took a nap before coming to work tonight. When i got up I found out that during the layover in Cincinnati, the flight was cancelled due to storms. Joe'l and Bella are now in Erlanger Kentucky at a Days Inn, waiting for a flight sometime tomorrow. Joe'l isn't real happy, and said she isn't taking any more flights that require a layover. "It is just too difficult with Bella". I completely understand.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another Boring Day

I went to bed at 6am, I slept the rest of the day. Got
up around 2:30pm and got ready for work.

I'm at work now, things are going pretty good for a night at
the ER.
It wasn't quite as hot today as it had been, seemed to me.
Very warm ride to work, since the A/C on my truck doesn't work.


This here is my first post. Obviously.

Slept most of the day, I worked lastnight. That's what I do!
I mowed the yard around 9 o'clock tonight, that was fun, but it was finally cool enough.

That's all for now.