Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pictures of fish

I wrote that I would put up pictures of my fishes (fishes is the correct word, as there are fish of different species)
So here are pictures of my fishes!

A dinky little bass.
The hat is for a contest I've entered to catch
the biggest fish in several different catagories.
I took this picture as a joke. This is probably the
SMALLEST fish posted.

This is another bass, I'd call it a Largemouth, some might
say it was a Spotted Bass. I caught this one in a pond across the
road from our house. The neighbors have been stocking the pond
for many years. I caught 6 or so bass about this same size.
This one was about 16 inches.

This is a fish I was really proud of. I caught it in the same pond as the above bass.
It measured 8.5" long, which is above average for a bluegill.
I caught this fish on a 1.75" crankbait. It has been my best performing bait
this year. Again notice the hat, for the contest. I was leading with this fish
until this week. Someone caught a 9.75" bluegill. I'll have to really work
to beat that big of a fish.

Here is a small Crappie. You can see the lure in this picture.
It is the "tadfry" crankbait that has performed so well for me this year.
You can tell it is only about as long as the end of my thumb.

Here is another larger Crappie, I think I caught it on a beemoth. That is a little maggot looking critter. It is the pupae stage of some kind of bug. I know it catches fish!

This is a Channel catfish, one of 4 species in the State. This is the largest one I've ever caught, the only one for that matter. This one was 20" long and I caught it in the spillway in the pool right below the dam. You can see the lure just in front of it, acutally still in it's mouth. It is a white spinnerbait. I caught three fish on it that morning, the other guys I fished with didn't catch anything. And they'd made fun of my "cruddy old spinner-bait"

This is a "Redear". You can see a small bit of red on the left edge of the black circle just under my thumb knuckle.

This is a "Long-eared" sunfish. Notice how much longer it's black "ear" is than the picture above. I think this is the prettiest fish I've ever caught.

This is a "mess" of fish that I caught at Griffy Lake, a small lake just on the outskirts (or maybe even inside) the City of Bloomington. It is a 100 acre lake that was where Bloomington got their water supply from before Monroe Resevoir was built in the early 1960's.

These are all bluegill and redear. They are both "panfish", either because they kinda look like a pan, or because you sign them in a pan, not sure.

They are in the same family as bass and include bluegill, redear, longeared sunfish and green sunfish. I've probably forgotten some....anyways, they all interbreed so it is kinda hard to tell what species of fish you really have caught.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Wedding Day June 9th 2002

Joe'l Giardine

Patrick Cassidy

Patrick and Joe'l Cassidy after wedding

Patrick and Joe'l

Wedding Party

Our 5th Wedding Anniversary is coming up this June. It feels like just yesterday. Our wedding was at Spring Mill State Park, in the Rose Garden. It was a HOT, but still beautiful day. The reception was in the Lake View room at the Inn. We had relatives and friends come from all over Indiana, Pa, Fl, NH and some states I am sure I'm forgetting. Our Colors were Red, Green and Blue. The theme was Cinderella and Prince Charming, we had a magical day. The years have gone bye and it's only gotten better. I could not have asked for a blessing better then Patrick. Six months after we were married we found out Bella was coming. I was blessed one more time. :) Bella was born September 16th 2003.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Dogwood Festival Fun

Bella and new found friend Lucas, going for a ride. This was taken at the Dogwood Festval in Orleans.

Bella and another little girl riding together.

Bella with one of the Irises Mummum lake ordered for Joe'l's Birthday last year.

Bella smile for mommy!!!

Patrick trying out the tiller. He had just put an old moter on it from an old mower. The ground needs to dry some. We are going to try to do our first garden this year. I see lots of weeds in my future! ;)

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Pop, Nana and Bella

Proud Pop and Bella...

Bella, Pop and Nana...

Bella singing at Aunt Missy's 40th(old lady)Birthday Party..

Bella at Granddad's house.... not sure what had happened for her make such a face..... but this would be the pouty face... the you have scared me for life face....

Bella as "Princess Bell" one of the outfits Nana and Pop sent her for her 3rd Birthday.

In the yard

This is Sammy Jr. The best kids cat in the world!

This is Mr. Cheeks my mothers Dog. He is finally growing out of the puppy stuff. He is cute now.

Sammy Jr. hoping Bella will let him sleep for a minute.

Bella with the bird bath/fountain.

Sammy Jr. smelling flowers with Bella.

Family Fishing day @ Patoka lake

We had allot of fun the Saturday before last. Bella got to fish with her Daddy and we had a good time picnicking.

Summer Vacation

I passed both classes this semester. I think I got B's, but as long as I passed I don't really care.
I've been working around the house when it isn't raining. I've been doing a lot of fishing this spring, I've caught lots of fish.
Joe'l and Bella are doing fine, Bella is getting so big. She tells me all kinds of things. But right now she is going through a " not really, I'm just playing...." stage.
I don't have any pictures to post, but Joe'l takes lots. I'm at work right now.

I'll show her how to work this blog, and maybe she'll put pictures on here more than I do.