Monday, March 26, 2007

Busy day

I worked lastnight, then had class this morning, sleep this afternoon, back at work tonight.

I did find an hour between work and class this morning to go fishing.

I caught this one nice Crappie.

Hot day

I turned the A/C on at my aunts place when I got there this morning at 8am, cause I knew the day would be warm. I woke up about 10 or 11 and it was so hot in the house! The thermometer was pegged up passed 80. The vents were putting out hot air. The A/C unit outside was working, but the air was still hot.
I opened the windows and sliding doors and turned on the whole house fan, it pulled the hot air out mostly. I tried to go back to bed, but it was still hot in the house, I slept off and on the rest of the day.
I left the windows open tonight, so I hope it cooled the house off. I'm probably going to go fishing this morning between work and school, since it is just 3 hours, not really enough time to get good sleep. After class I'll come home and sleep though. Then I have to come back to work. I'll be glad to get this run overwith!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Preparing for a "three in a row"

I'll be working the next three nights, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. I also have class Monday morning. I slept most of today, I was up about 3 hours and watched TV, then went back to bed but didn't sleep very well. I really wanted to go fishing! It was so nice outside.

I'm at work now, we had a busy first half of the shift, one of the nurses got sick and wasn't much help, but the rest of us picked up where we could and got everything done.

Joe'l called a little after midnight and said that they were home. I'm glad they are back safely on the ground at home. Her and Bella are going to come up a little before my shift tomorrow night so we can have supper together.
I better get my work done.

Friday, March 23, 2007

More clinical news

Today at clinicals things went better, my patient is improving, but still making off color remarks.
When it was time for me to leave, I went to tell him goodbye and the like, he gave me 2 $100 bills. I told him I couldn't take it, it was against school policy, but that I appreciated what he was trying to do. He got mildly upset and said it was his money he could give it to me if he wanted. This went on for a few tense minutes, until I finally convinced him that I wasn't going to take the money. Thankfully his brother and nephew were in the room so there were witnesses that I didn't take the money.
When I got finished with school, I drove home to see Bella, I hadn't seen her since Tuesday night. She was excited to see me and told me all about her day at "mamaw Terry's". We went to my parents to eat supper, then I was going to drive back to Bloomington, as I had to work Saturday night. Bella continued to play with my mother while dad and I watched "Ice Age 2". I slept for a little bit on the couch, then got up about 10pm to drive back to Bloomington, then she didn't want me to leave. She hugged me about a dozen times and waved by to me all the way out the driveway.
I miss my little bug.
I'll be glad when Joe'l gets home, and Bella will be too.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Clinicals and FISHIN'!!

I had an interesting patient assigned to me at the hospital today. He was borderline lewd with some of the remarks he made. At one point I was moving him to a wheelchair or something and he told me to move over he was, "Looking at the meat". I looked over my shoulder and my instructor and one of my classmates were standing in the hallway (both women). It made for an interesting day!

After clinicals I went fishing. I'd been fishing a few times already this year, but hadn't had any bites, but today was different. Even though the water is still very chilly, the fish were active, I caught an estimated 30 bluegills (or sunfish) and about a dozen crappie. I don't think I had ever caught a crappie before. I fished about 5 hours before going back to aunt Milly's to complete my nursing care plan for my patient.

I didn't have my cell phone with me to take pictures of any of my fish, (or the "meat") ha ha.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fishing with new friends

I met some people at Griffy Lake in Bloomington this afternoon that I originally met on the "" fishing site. Nice folks, we talked some and fished, but none of us caught anything.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sad news

Joe'ls "Pop pop" passed away tonight around 10pm. She and her mother will be flying to PA tomorrow for the viewing and funeral, I think they'll be back on Saturday.
Keep her and her family in your prayers.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Back at BHOC

I'm working 6 hours this morning at BHOC ER, just to keep up to date on the new computer system. We just had our first patient come in. We'll see how it goes!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

"Look what I can do!!"

I was working on a floor today for a new piece of a shed dad and I am building. I was using large staples with a pneumatic gun to put the frame to the sheeting on the floor. I was working too quickly, shot the gun but didn't have it flat on the surface. The staple propelled by 100psi of air flew into my hand. I didn't have a camera to take a picture of it actually *IN* my hand, but I did have the ER save the staple. I yelled at the neighbor (I was at mom and dads) he and his grandson came over, called Joe'l on the phone and she came and got me. I got some lidocaine (the shots were 10x worse than the staple in my hand) injected in my hand, that made the pain go away. The doctor pulled the staple out, I got an Xray to make sure it hadn't damaged the bone, everything is ok and I'm on Keflex to prevent infection. Now what you've all been waiting for, THE PICTURES!
A distance shot, to give perspective.

This is where the staple was embedded, I'm not
sure which of these marks are from shots and
which are from the staple.
Here's the staple. As you can see, it's not from
your desk stapler!

Here's the staple on my hand.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

What happenings

I've been neglecting my Blog, bad owner.

I went fishing today! I used to love to go fishing. I didn't catch anything today, but just being out in the sun and wind made the winter blahs go away.

School is still going on, although I'm on Spring Break this week, thus able to fish...
We changed clinical sites last week. Now I'm on the rehab floor "Where the nurses do nothing, and then blame you for it!" Not really. Well yeah really.

I'm still working. I might be splitting my time in the newly-to-be-opening ICU also, we'll see how that goes.

Joe'l is fine, she trys her best to keep our overstuffed little house spic and span. Stacking and restacking gets her down sometimes. She had a hair disaster earlier this week, you'll have to ask her about it.

Bella is still being a little girl, trying as that is for us parents. She goes potty by herself now, and as long as we are there to wrangle her away from the sink she does a fine job.
She is a big helper around the house too. She helped me dig a hole in the yard on Saturday, what a good girl.

I'll try to keep up with the blog better, but I can't promise....