Sunday, July 30, 2006

Home from the trip, almost

Joe'l and Bella are home. (Not quite yet) But they should be on the ground anyway.
Pop sent a picture of them standing in the ocean.

Pictures from the Playhouse

"Pop" built a playhouse for Bella. He built it in PA and drove it her in pieces in his truck.

When the house arrived, everyone came to help put it together for Bella!

Here Daddy and Grandad are putting on the shingles. Pop is cutting shingles. Bella is supervising.

Grandad built this neat little table and chairs from cedar wood that Daddy cut off the farm. It is just Bellas size!

Grandad is showing Grandma and Mommy how the chairs just fit on top of the table.

More pictures of the Playhouse

Here's "Gandad" in Bellas "yewayo"(yellow) house.

Mum mum Giardine and Grandma with Bella in the Play house.

Bella with "Sammy Junior", the most patient cat I have ever seen.

She puts him in the bucket swing (not pictured) and swings him, and he will stay in it.

Friday, It is inevitable

My posts are a little out of order....
Friday I didn't do much. I just sat around the house.

I watched the "Matrix" trilogy, I think I started Thursday night.
I love those movies.
I have the "box set" It has all three movies, each movie 2 more times, once with "philosophers" commenting, and once with movie critics. It also has lots of "the making of" stuff. 30 some hours of stuff. I haven't watched all of the extra stuff.

Pretty deep movie, if you look at the philosophical and religious overtones. If you're interested I'll bring the movies to your house, we can watch and discuss.

I think I'll watch one of the movies now.

Back to work tomorrow. (today)
This was Saturday, I tried to go caving. Well, I did cave for a little while, but I got so hot on the walk *to* the cave that I didn't feel good when I actually got in the cave. I stayed just a little bit, then left and came home. I took off all those clothes (Long underwear, Wet suit, knee-length wool socks, blue jeans and a long sleeved T-shirt - see why I got hot?) I took a shower, drank a couple of glasses of Gatorade, resigned myself to the fact that I am getting older and am out of shape, and took a nap.
I got up and went outside and mowed the yard later this evening.
Mother-in-law made some chicken, corn and French fries for supper. It was very good, and I was really hungry.
I went to bed early. I only got about 4 hours of sleep lastnight. I think it was 11 or so when I went to bed tonight. I just woke up a little bit ago and thought I'd check my email.

Joe'l and Bella come home today! :o) It seems like they've been gone for a month.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I've had a bad day so far. I'm trying to get my schedule changed at work, and I'm not getting the help I was expecting. Anyways...I'm just in a bad mood.
It's really hot outside, and in the house. I've been trying to keep the A/C off, since it is cooler at night.

There was a racoon on the trellis right in front of the house lastnight. Nothing is sacred.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Last night, I'm ready for sleep!

I'm nearing the end of night 4 of my 4-night Coordinatathon. We've had a good night, not b---. (We don't say "b-u-s-y", bad luck)

Joe'l and Bella went to the beach today, in NJ I think. Not a fake beach like at Patoka. A *REAL* beach with sand and waves and sea gulls and jellyfish and sharks and hypodermic needles washing up on shore and EVERYTHING! (I added the needle part....) Joe'l was always giving me a hard time about Patoka being a *real* beach....

Bella played in the sand and the water, and with the birds. I'm sure the birds were thrilled!

Her "Sammy Junior" has had a weeks hiatus with Miss Bella on sabbatical. (Junior is her cat) I'll post a picture later today perhaps.

I'm supposed to be at the 4-H fair tonight to man the "Orange County Community Co-Op" booth. Come on by and see me!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Another day, another dollar

I'm currently at work. We've had a busy night. I have not had time to do much but sit at the desk.

Joe'l and Bella had a good day I was told. Bella talked to me on the phone, she said "Bye bye daddy, I love you."

This is night three of four. I am tired.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What day is it? What TIME is it??

The China cabinet my dad made for Joe'l.

I just got home after night two of a 4 night work bonanza. That is 48, yes, 48 hours in 4 days. More than most work all week.

Apparently something happened last October that made sex seem like a good idea, cause our OB department has been filled to (over) capacity for the last week.

Joe'l and Bella have arrived in PA, only a day and a half late (they could have driven there in less time). All is well with them as far as I know at this time. Joe'l said Bella was an angel during the whole "on the plane, off the plane; on the plane off the plane" ordeal.
On the flight today Bella really liked the lightning in the clouds outside, and she wanted to touch the "big puffy ones".

I'm noticing that I don't have an pictures on my blog, gonna have to do something about that. Perhaps someone will get us a digital camera for....whatever the next holiday is. (Boxing day perhaps!)

I hear a cat hacking somewhere...I better go investigate.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Something HAPPENED today!

We all got up and dressed for our trip to the airport.
Joe'l and Bella are flying home to visit her family.
We made it to Hardinsburg when Bella said her belly hurt. Then she threw up. We were already running a little behind, so having to pull over and clean her and her car seat didn't help.
We got her clothes changed and I wiped down her carseat. It was still kinda yucky, and she has to ride in it on the airplane. I'm sure those around her will be pleased!

I went home and took a nap before coming to work tonight. When i got up I found out that during the layover in Cincinnati, the flight was cancelled due to storms. Joe'l and Bella are now in Erlanger Kentucky at a Days Inn, waiting for a flight sometime tomorrow. Joe'l isn't real happy, and said she isn't taking any more flights that require a layover. "It is just too difficult with Bella". I completely understand.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Another Boring Day

I went to bed at 6am, I slept the rest of the day. Got
up around 2:30pm and got ready for work.

I'm at work now, things are going pretty good for a night at
the ER.
It wasn't quite as hot today as it had been, seemed to me.
Very warm ride to work, since the A/C on my truck doesn't work.


This here is my first post. Obviously.

Slept most of the day, I worked lastnight. That's what I do!
I mowed the yard around 9 o'clock tonight, that was fun, but it was finally cool enough.

That's all for now.